언리얼 4에서의 25가지 팁이라는 포스팅입니다.
원문 링크 : http://www.creativebloq.com/3d/25-tips-unreal-engine-4-71621196?utm_content=buffer80632&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
01. Importing textures into Unreal 4

You can import textures via the Import button in the Content Browser. Unreal 4 supports a large variety of texture formats, from .tgas and .pngs to .psds and .jpgs. One important tip is to make sure normal maps are compressed as TC Normalmap to prevent visual errors in engine. Also be aware that if your texture dimensions do not follow the power of two, they won't stream or have mipmaps.
1. 언렬은 다양한 텍스쳐/픽셀 포맷을 지원. 한가지 중요한 팁은 언렬에서 TC노멀맵은 엔진에서의 비주얼 에러를 방지해줍니다(Normal은 별도로 import 옵션을 체크해야 한다 이야기). 2의 배수 텍스쳐 안쓰면 스트리밍이나 밉맵 사용에 제한이 있습니다.
02. Save memory: Channel-pack textures

One of the fantastic things about Unreal is the large amount of control you get to have by creating your own materials. When you're creating multiple black and white masks for textures like roughness or transmission, you are able to save memory by hiding each mask into an individual channel of a texture image and then accessing each channel of that texture separately in your material.
03. Physically-based rendering

With the dawn of new rendering capabilities in new engines like Unreal 4, there has come the widely praised adaptation of physically-based rendering. This should definitely be worked with rather than against. Learning how to accurately represent the physical properties of materials with roughness and metalness masks can seem like a change from the way game engines worked last generation but can help keep materials consistent and believable across multiple lighting environments.
3. 물리기반 셰이더 : 요새 유행이니 열심히 공부해서 쓰면 하나의 매터리얼로 다양한걸 표현할수 있음
04. Texture reuse

Another fantastic element of Unreal 4's Material Editor is that it allows for very intelligent texture reuse. This can not only save you memory, but also time. Sometimes a red channel from a rock albedo texture can make a great overlay for a roughness texture. A tiling cloud render texture from Photoshop could be useful for adding variation to a brick, but also to blend in a detail texture for some concrete. The possibilities are endless.
4. 텍스쳐 재활용 : 하나의 텍스쳐를 매터리얼 편집기에서 활용하기에 따라 다양하게 쓸수 있으니 재주껏 고민해보시라~
05. Don't make unnecessary textures

Occasionally certain textures are not needed and can be left out to save memory. For 100 per cent non-metal materials like wood or dirt, a metalness texture can be substituted in the Material Editor for a simple float constant with a value of 0. The same idea can be applied for multiple versions of the same material. Three slightly different coloured bricks don't all need different normal maps, but could share one.
06. Building a core material set

One way to save considerable time and work is by creating a basic set of materials that can be instanced out for different objects. When I start projects I create a base material for each type of object I'll need. For example, if I was making a nature scene I would want base materials for terrain, props and foliage. There will always be outliers but it helps with the bulk of the process.
6. 코어 매터리얼 셋을 만들어라. 기본셋을 만들어 인스턴싱으로 사용하면 시간과 노력이 적게 든다
07. Iterating through material instances

A great feature of a Material Instance of a base material is its ability to parameterise values that can be changed in real time. You can use these changes to rapidly test out many different values without having to recompile a material. Whenever I have a complicated material I always have a test material instance on the side. I use the test material instance to lock in more realistic base values for the final material.
08. Material comments and organisation

For very complex materials Unreal 4 brings some very welcome organisational tools to help. Selecting a group of nodes and pressing C puts those nodes into a comment, which can then be moved as a group and colour coded. The comments (and individual nodes) can have basic text explanations added to improve readability.
09. Material functions

Material functions can be thought of in the same way real functions work in code – repeatable operations that can be called multiple times to perform a specific set of instructions. They are made outside of a material in the Content Browser, but can then be called on their own to help simplify materials. They can contain their own set of inputs and can be a fantastic way to save time when repeatable operations need to be called.
9. 매터리얼 펑션. 수치를 바꾸어야 하는것들은 매터리얼에서 수치를 조절할수 있게 빼주어라(파라메터화 하는거 이야기 하는건데 뭘 이렇게 어렵게 설명했는지...). 파라메터화 시키면 인스턴싱 되어도 각 매터리얼별로 조절이 가능하므로 다양한 값을 지정할 수 있다
10. Foliage materials

Foliage can be one of the trickiest things to ensure looks correct in any game engine. As of UE4 version 4.7, a Foliage Shading Model exists to help make that task easier. It is highly recommended as it supports sub-surface transmission, which most leaves benefit from. I also recommend adding sky light to your scene to help balance out some of the darker areas of a foliage mesh that could be in shadow.
sub-surface transmission은 이러한 것을 표현하기에 가장 추천되는 방법입니다. 또한, 어두운 영역에 걸쳐지는 식생 메쉬를 표현하려면 하늘에 라이트를 추가하는것이 균형을 맞추는데 도움이 됩니다. 리플로 잘못된 부분을 지적해주신 분이 계셔서 정리해보면 sky sphere를 조절해 ambient 영역의 밝기를 어둡지 않게 조절하라는 이야기 인듯 합니다. 결국 local illumination이 아닌 Global illumination으로 표현하는게 좀 더 자연스럽고 좋다 소리..
11. Vertex colours

Having access to vertex colours in materials is one of my favourite features in Unreal 4. They can be incredibly powerful when used creatively. From ambient occlusion to masking out wind and world offset for foliage, their versatility is incredible. They're particularly useful in blending tiling textures together. Vertex colours can be imported from outside 3D software or imported and painted in editor.
12. Detail diffuse and normal overlays

Because you can customise texture UV tiling rates you can increase the details of a material by blending in a secondary set of textures, usually diffuse or normal maps, then tiling them at a higher frequency on top of base textures. Diffuse detail can be applied with various techniques, such as the Overlay Blend Function, while detailed normal maps can be applied by adding the red and green channels to the base as normal.
13. Texture blending in materials

Want to combine textures in the material editor but only familiar with Photoshop's blend modes? Epic has it covered. Along with many useful material functions, they included the majority of blend modes that all Photoshop users are familiar with. From Overlay to Linear Dodge, they can be found in the Palette window inside the Material Editor. They can be particularly great for adding detail and variation to your materials.
13.매터리얼에서 텍스쳐 블렌딩. 여러 텍스쳐를 섞는건 포토샵에서 할 수 있지만 매터리얼 펑션에서 친숙한 포토샵 블렌드 모두 대부분을 포함하고 있다. Linear Dodge도 매터리얼 에디터에서 팔레트 윈도우에서 찾을수 있다~
2부 링크 : http://illu.tistory.com/1155
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